Mount Loki: The Most Prominent Peak Along Kootenay Lake

You'll have seen Mount Loki if you've ever driven through Kaslo, BC. Across Kootenay Lake from Kaslo, on the East shore, Mount Loki sits at 2780m. Anyone obsessed with nice peaks won't be able to get Mount Loki out of their head once they've laid eyes on it. Getting to the trailhead is somewhat difficult. … Continue reading Mount Loki: The Most Prominent Peak Along Kootenay Lake

Sphinx Mountain: The Highest Peak on Gray Creek Pass’ North Side

Sphinx Mountain is the highest peak along the north side of Gray Creek Pass. Yet, most people don't even know there is a trail up to its summit. It's well-worth a bit of trail finding for the amazing views of Kootenay Lake and the Purcell Mountains. The trail is somewhat difficult to find now because … Continue reading Sphinx Mountain: The Highest Peak on Gray Creek Pass’ North Side

Follow me on One of the Best Snowshoes in the Kootenays

If you've hiked Cornice Ridge on Kootenay Pass, then you know how amazing the views are for such a short hike. But, have you tried to summit it in the winter? The views may be the same, but the snow completely changes the experience. Strap on a pair of snowshoes and follow me on the … Continue reading Follow me on One of the Best Snowshoes in the Kootenays

How to get your Hiking Fix in the Snowy Kootenay Winters

After all of the snow that fell over the past couple weeks it’s official, winter is here. That means it’s time to put away those hiking boots until the spring, Kootenay hikers. Don’t worry though, it doesn’t mean your days of Kootenay adventuring have to be put on hold until spring. Here are a few … Continue reading How to get your Hiking Fix in the Snowy Kootenay Winters

Kokanee Glacier: For all the Kootenay Adventurers out There

the Kootenays are all about the outdoors, adventuring, and exploring. For most of us locals, places like Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park just call to us. This one is for all the Kootenay adventurers out there. If you've done any previous exploring in the Kootenays, then that's you. Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park has more than one great … Continue reading Kokanee Glacier: For all the Kootenay Adventurers out There

10 Things You Should Always Bring on a Day Hike in the Kootenays

You've probably experienced it by now: The morning routine before a day hike. The packing never seems to go according to plan. Leaving the house, you always feel like you're forgetting something. Lots of times, whatever you forgot (if anything) wasn't even essential to your trip. Well, to ensure you always have the necessary items needed for … Continue reading 10 Things You Should Always Bring on a Day Hike in the Kootenays

Fisher Peak: The Highest Peak on the Cranbrook Skyline

There's something special about sitting atop an alpine peak. You can see everything, the air feels a little fresher, and you feel more at peace than ever. In the East Kootenays near Cranbrook, you can't find a higher, more prominent peak than Fisher Peak. You definitely need to make sure you're prepared. Be physically ready … Continue reading Fisher Peak: The Highest Peak on the Cranbrook Skyline

Haystack Mountain: The Kootenay’s Best Hidden Trail

You’ll be way out in the wild on this trail. Only you, your thoughts, and maybe a few bears. (It's probably a good idea to hike with some friends actually.) Haystack Mountain is hidden in the Purcell mountain range. It is to the east of Kootenay Lake, on the boundary of Kianuko Provincial Park. See … Continue reading Haystack Mountain: The Kootenay’s Best Hidden Trail

Cornice Ridge Trail: The Perfect Sunday Morning Hike

It's a Sunday morning and you're feeling a little... "under the weather." It happens. This trail is perfect for when you want a shorter hike to get outside in the mountains. The Cornice Ridge trail is short, quiet, and the fresh air and view at the top are amazing. An easy trail to cure that Sunday hangover … Continue reading Cornice Ridge Trail: The Perfect Sunday Morning Hike

Thompson Rim Trail: the Easiest Ridge Trail in the Kootenays

Located just east of Creston, BC, the Thompson Rim Trail offers great views of the Creston Valley. By the end of the trail you can see along the Skimmerhorn to the south, and you can see Kootenay Lake to the north. With this hike, the vehicle does the hard work for you, and you simply get … Continue reading Thompson Rim Trail: the Easiest Ridge Trail in the Kootenays